Robbie - The Healing Place Robbie - The Healing Place
testimonial image

Before I came to The Healing Place, my life was full of chaos. I was roaming around without a sense of purpose. I had no direction. I kept trying to find validation in the wrong places with the wrong people.

The way I was going before I made it to The Healing Place, I would have ended up dead. I had so little self-worth.

The Healing Place has shown me that I do have a sense of purpose – helping people. That’s why I chose to become a peer mentor after completing the program.

The bonds I have formed here at The Healing Place are like no other. When I was still using, my relationships were all about what we can get from each other. Now the relationships are about what do we need from each other and how do we help.

I like myself now whereas I didn’t before. It all goes back to purpose. I see now that I can help people while helping myself at the same time. Helping other people to stay sober helps me stay sober.